[St] Plants

Reference name: st-plants ~ ID: 1170
Roll Result
1 Acacia.
2 Acanthus.
3 Aloe.
4 Angel trumpet vine.
5 Anise.
6 Apple tree.
7 Apricot.
8 Artichoke.
9 Asparagus.
10 Aspen.
11 Ayahuasca.
12 Azalea.
13 Bamboo.
14 Banyan tree.
15 Baobab.
16 Barley.
17 Basil.
18 Bean.
19 Berry.
20 Birch.
21 Blackthorn.
22 Bladderwort.
23 Bok choy.
24 Boxthorn.
25 Bramble.
26 Broccoli.
27 Bush.
28 Cabbage.
29 Cacao/Cocoa.
30 Cactus.
31 Cane.
32 Cannabis/Hemp.
33 Carpet weed.
34 Carrion flower.
35 Carrot.
36 Caulifl ower.
37 Cedar.
38 Celeriac.
39 Celery.
40 Chestnut.
41 Cholla.
42 Cilantro/Coriander.
43 Cinchona.
44 Citrus tree.
45 Climbing plant.
46 Coca.
47 Coffee.
48 Conifer/Evergreen.
49 Corn/Maize.
50 Corpse flower.
51 Cotton.
52 Cucumber.
53 Cypress.
54 Dahlia.
55 Daisy.
56 Damiana.
57 Dancing grass.
58 Dandelion.
59 Date palm.
60 Deciduous tree.
61 Dogbane.
62 Dragon blood tree.
63 Dream herb.
64 Ebony tree.
65 Eggplant.
66 Eucalyptus.
67 Fennel.
68 Fern.
69 Fig.
70 Flax.
71 Flowering plant.
72 Flypaper trap.
73 Foxtail.
74 Fruiting plant.
75 Fungus.
76 Garlic.
77 Giant hogweed.
78 Ginko.
79 Goosefoot.
80 Gourd.
81 Grape vine.
82 Grass.
83 Green algae.
84 Hawthorn.
85 Hazel.
86 Holly.
87 Hydnora.
88 Ice plant.
89 Ivy.
90 Jasmine.
91 Juniper.
92 Kauri tree.
93 Kava.
94 Kelp.
95 Khat.
96 Knotweed.
97 Kudzu.
98 Laurel.
99 Lavender.
100 Leaf of God.
101 Legume.
102 Lemon tree.
103 Lettuce.
104 Lily.
105 Liquorice.
106 Longan.
107 Lotus.
108 Lychee.
109 Magnolia.
110 Mandrake.
111 Maple tree.
112 Melon.
113 Mescal bean.
114 Millet.
115 Mimosa.
116 Mint.
117 Mold.
118 Monkey-puzzle tree.
119 Morning glory.
120 Moss.
121 Mushroom.
122 Myrtle.
123 Nettle.
124 Nightshade.
125 Nutmeg tree.
126 Oak.
127 Oat.
128 Okra.
129 Olive tree.
130 Onion.
131 Onyanga.
132 Orchid.
133 Oregano.
134 Palm tree.
135 Parsnip.
136 Passion flower.
137 Pea.
138 Peach tree.
139 Pear tree.
140 Pepper vine.
141 Persimmon tree.
142 Peyote.
143 Pine tree.
144 Pipal tree.
145 Pitcher plant.
146 Pomegranate tree.
147 Poppy.
148 Potato.
149 Pumpkin.
150 Radish.
151 Redwood.
152 Reed.
153 Rhododendron.
154 Rice.
155 Root vegetable.
156 Rose of Jericho.
157 Rose.
158 Rubber tree.
159 Rye.
160 Salvia.
161 Samphire.
162 Seaweed.
163 Sedge.
164 Shallot.
165 Shrub.
166 Skunk cabbage.
167 Smartweed.
168 Sorghum.
169 Squash.
170 Stone fruit.
171 Succulent.
172 Sugarcane.
173 Sundew.
174 Sunflower.
175 Succulent.
176 Sugarcane.
177 Sundew.
178 Sunflower.
179 Sweet potato.
180 Sweetbay.
181 Tea.
182 Terragon.
183 Thistle.
184 Thyme.
185 Toadstool.
186 Tomato vine.
187 Tree.
188 Tuber.
189 Turnip.
190 Vegetable.
191 Venus fly trap.
192 Vine.
193 Walnut tree.
194 Water willow.
195 Weed.
196 Wheat.
197 Willow tree.
198 Wormwood.
199 Yam.
200 Zucchini.