Creators Touch

Reference name: creators-touch ~ ID: 1503
Roll Result
1 - 5 Aberration - when seen from the corner of the eye, the item seems to be moving.
6 - 20 Human - Holds writing in a forgotten tongue or symbols whose significance is lost to the ages.
21 - 25 Celestial - Weapon is half the normal weight and inscribed with angelic symbols. Fiends also tend to find the weapon repulsive.
26 Dragon - Glows warm when 120ft from a dragon. Made of scales or talons shed from a dragon.
27 - 31 Drow - Half the normal weight. Completely black in color, and long exposure to sunlight will effect the blades performance.
32 - 41 Dwarf - More durable than normal with Dwarven runes inscribed. Easily tracked to a specific Dwarven clan.
42 - 44 Air Elemental - Half normal weight and feels hollow.
45 - 47 Earth Elemental - Crafted of stone and studded with finely polished rock.
48 - 50 Fire Elemental - Warm to the touch. Usually crafted from black iron with red and orange coloring prominent in the design.
51 - 53 Water Elemental - Made of worked coral and seashells instead of metal. Much more resistant to rusting.
54 - 63 Elf - Half the normal weight. Adorned with symbols of nature.
64 Fey - Crafted of the finest material and glows with a pale radiance in the moonlight, shedding dim light in 5ft.
65 - 69 Fiend - Crafted of black iron or rune inscribed demon horn. Warm to the touch and celestials find it repulsive.
70 - 76 Giant - Larger than normal, but was crafted for a giants smaller ally.
77 - 86 Gnome - Crafted to appear completely ordinary, and might look worn regardless of actual condition.
87 - 89 Undead - Incorporates imagery of death and is cold to the touch.
90 - 119 No obvious signs of a creators origin.