Minor Property

Reference name: minor-property ~ ID: 1509
Roll Result
1 Beacon - Use a bonus action to shed bright light in 10ft and dim light another 10ft, or to extinguish this light.
2 Compass - Use an action to learn which way is north.
3 Conscientious - If the bearer is about to do or thinking of doing a malevolent act, the item enhances pangs of concience.
4 Delver - Almost know how your depth underground and the direction to nearest path upward.
5 Gleaming - This weapon never gets dirty.
6 Guardian - Grants +2 initiative as long as the bearer isn't incapacitated.
7 Harmonious - Attuning to this item takes only 1 minute.
8 Hidden Message - A message is hidden on this weapon in some way.
9 Key - This weapon unlocks some door or container.
10 Language - The wielder can speak and understand a specific language while holding this weapon.
11 Sentinel - This item glows faintly when a specific enemy is nearby.
12 Song Craft - When this weapon strikes something, the bearer hears music of some type.
13 Strange Material - This weapon was created from a material that is bizarre given its purpose. The durability is unaffected.
14 Temperate - The bearer suffers no harm from a certain temperature extreme.
15 Unbreakable - This weapon cannot be destroyed except by very special means.
16 War Leader - The bearer can use an action to cause their voice to be heard up to 300ft until next turn.
17 Waterborne - This weapon floats on water and gives the bearer advantage on Athletic swimming checks.
18 Wicked - This weapon heightens the bearers urge to commit evil or malevolent deeds/actions.
19 Illusion - The bearer of this weapon can change the weapons appearance in any way they wish. The weapon still functions the same and returns to original shape when not being worn or carried.