1 |
Blissful - The bearer of this weapon feels fortunate and optimistic about the future. Harmless creatures are more prone to frolic in this items presence. |
2 |
Confident - This item helps make the bearer more self-assured. |
3 |
Covetous - The weapons bearer becomes obsessed with material wealth. |
4 |
Frail - This weapon crumbles, frays, chips, or cracks when used. This has no actually effect on the weapons durability. |
5 |
Hungry - This weapon only functions properly if it has "tasted" humanoid blood in the last 24 hours. |
6 |
Loud - This weapon makes loud noises when used. |
7 |
Metamorphic - This weapon periodically and randomly alters its appearance. The bearer has no control over this effect that does nothing to alter the weapons function. |
8 |
Muttering - This weapon grumbles and mutters. The mutters can be useful information or random musings. |
9 |
Painful - The bearer experiences a harmless flash of pain when using this weapon. Can effect concentration. |
10 |
Possessive - This weapon demands to be attuned when first picked up, and doesn't allow the bearer to attune other items. |
11 |
Repulsive - The bearer of this weapon feels distaste when in contact with this weapon, and continues to sense discomfort while bearing it. |
12 |
Slothful - The bearer of this item feels slothful and lethargic, requiring 10 hrs to finish a long rest. |