6a Mood Elements - No Ruin

Reference name: 6-mood-elements ~ ID: 2677
Roll Result
1 Wanderers. Some silhouettes are seen in the distance. Who walks in the Zone?
2 Camp. The remains of a campsite, perhaps embers are still smoldering in the fireplace.
3 Final Rest. D6 shallow graves, marked with pieces of scrap. Who is buried here?
4 Victim. A corpse, hanged or bound to a pole. Who did this, and why?
5 Message. Someone has written something on a wall. What does it say, and how recent is it?
6 Tracks. They lead deeper into the Zone. Who walked here and where did they go?
7 Boulder. A huge piece of rock. Protection from the Zone winds or a good lookout point?
8 Tree. A lonely tree still grows in the desolate wasteland. Does it hide some secret?
9 Creek. A narrow stream flows through the landscape. Is it a source of life or of death by the Rot?
10 Zone Flowers. Out of place in the pale zonelands, a field of strange flowers with striking colors grow.
11 Thistles. A thick undergrowth covers the sector. Boots and gear gets stuck in it. Do the bushes hide some secret?
12 Vines. Lots of thick vines cover the ruins here. Are they dead and shriveled or still alive?
13 Torrential Rain. A sudden downpour or heavy snowfall hits the PCs. They’d better seek cover
14 Fog. A thick haze blankets the area. Visibility is reduced to a few yards, and sounds muffled. What lurks in the fog?
15 Blazing Sun. Scorching sunlight bakes the PCs. Their skin burns and their clothes are soon wet from sweat.
16 Blue Sky. The ever-present dirty Zone haze suddenly evaporates, revealing a stark blue sky. It is both beautiful and frightening.
17 Dark Clouds. The sky darkens and the wind picks up. Dust whirls around across the broken old pavement. A storm is brewing.
18 Thunder. The deep sound distant thunder rolls over the Zone. Sudden lightning flashes across the ruins.
19 Road Sign. A metal sign stands alone, left from the Old Age. Does it show the way to something, or warn of some danger?
20 Wreck. The remains of some old vehicle, rusted beyond repair. Its metal husk is still intact. Has someone sought shelter there?
21 Movie Poster. A torn and worn old poster from the Old Age shows a strange scene. What do the PCs make of it?
22 The Dead. D6 withering skeletons from the Old Age. What story could these old bones tell?
23 Checkpoint. A roadblock from the final dying days of the Old Age. Could there be useful scrap here?
24 Railroad Track. These rusty old tracks are completely overgrown. Where does the track lead?
25 Hole. There’s a deep dark hole in the ground in front of the PCs. Is it an old well, or a path into tunnels below?
26 Howling. An inhuman, long howl echoes across the Zone. Is someone in dire need of help - or is a Zone monster nearby?
27 Collapse. A ruined building suddenly collapses in a deafening roar. Perhaps something interesting is revealed?
28 Birds. A flock of small Zone birds suddenly take to the air. Did something startle them?
29 Noise. A deep bellowing sound echoes across the Zone. It’s repeated a few times, then falls silent.
30 Hut. Someone has built a nest or a hut made of scrap. Is someone home?
31 Lake. A small black lake appears in the Zone haze. What is hidden underneath the mirrorlike surface?
32 Escarpment. A sudden steep slope in front of the PCs. How do the PCs get down, and what awaits down below?
33 Crevice. A deep fissure, several yards wide, cuts across the landscape. How do the PCs get across?
34 Swamp. Foul Zone-water has engulfed the area, submerging the old crumbling streets. Dark, cold water leaks in to the PCs’ shoes.
35 Copse. A dark copse of dark, dead trees cast their shadow over the PCs. What could be hidden among them?
36 Hill. A steep hill or mound appears in the middle of the Zone. What is it, what’s on top of it?