Random Village

Reference name: random-village ~ ID: 5029
Roll Result
1 their silk production,
2 their religious significance
3 their gemstone mine,
4 their river canals,
5 their local temple,
6 their superior horses,
7 their textile production,
8 their salt production,
9 their silver mine,
10 their master craftsman,
11 their local fortress,
12 being built atop ancient ruins,
13 their excellent vinyards,
14 their rare spices,
15 their oil production,
16 their headquarters of a powerful family or guild,
17 their site of important tomb or graveyard,
18 their marble quarry,
19 their craftwork,
20 their iron mine,
21 being the site of many battles,
22 their skilled thieves,
23 being the site of a mythic or magical event,
24 their river divides town,
25 their parks and orchards,
26 their pottery production,
27 their trade center,
28 their dye production,
29 their notable library or academy,
30 their fur trade,
31 their gold mine,
32 their awful smell,
33 their sinister reputation,
34 their important library or archive,
35 their statue or monument,
36 their livestock,
37 their lead mine,
38 their skilled sailors,
39 their prime timber,
40 their medicinal herbs,