
Reference name: monuments ~ ID: 5046
Roll Result
1 Sealed burial mound or pyramid.
2 Plundered burial mound or pyramid.
3 Giant statues carved out of a mountainside cliff.
4 Intact obelisk etched with a warning, a historical lore, dedication, or religious iconography.
5 Ruined or toppled obelisk.
6 Intact statue of a person or deity.
7 Ruined or toppled statue of a person or deity.
8 Great stone wall, intact, with tower fortifications.
9 Waystones spaced at one-mile intervals.
10 Great stone wall in ruins.
11 Great stone arch.
12 Magical Fountain.
13 Intact circle of standing stones.
14 Ruined or topped circle of standing stones.
15 Totem pole.
16 Faces carved into a mountainside or cliff.
17 Shrine to a deity
18 Ruined Shrine or Temple to a deity