Weird Locales

Reference name: weird-locales ~ ID: 5047
Roll Result
1 Dead magic zone.
2 Wild magic zone.
3 Boulder carved with talking faces.
4 Crystal cave that mystically answers questions.
5 Ancient tree containing trapped spirit
6 Forest where vegetation occasionally assumes humanoid forms.
7 Permanent portal to another plane of existence.
8 Wishing well, said to grant your desire.
9 Giant crystal shard protruding from the ground.
10 The wrecked ship, which might be nowhere near water.
11 Haunted hill or barrow mound.
12 River ferry guided by skeletal captain.
13 Field of petrified soldiers or other creatures.
14 Forest of petrified or awakened trees.
15 Canyon containing dragon s' graveyard.
16 Floating earth mote with tower on it.
17 Battlefield with permanent lingering fog
18 Enchanted pool home to an elemental.