
Reference name: mannerisms2 ~ ID: 6438
Roll Result
1 speak little
2 laugh to fill awkward silence
3 mumbles
4 is easily out of breath
5 clears their thoat often
6 is constantly sweaty
7 Speaks slowly and delibratly
8 sighs frequently
9 mutters to themselves
10 apologises often
11 grinds their teeth
12 gets easily lost in thought
13 picks their nose
14 chews with their mouth open
15 avoids eye contact
16 looks down on others
17 stares
18 taps impatiently
19 scratches
20 strokes their chin
21 pulls out hair
22 finger traces
23 braids hair
24 crackles knuckles
25 shuggs shoulders
26 plays with a coin
27 picks at things
28 twists rings or jewlery
29 leans on things
30 are prone to singing, whistling, or humming quietly
31 speaks in rhyme or some other peculiar way
32 have a particularly low or high voice
33 slurs words, lisps, or stutters
34 enunciates overly clearly
35 speaks loudly
36 whispers
37 uses flowery speech or long words
38 uses curse words in place of certain words
39 frequently uses the wrong word
40 uses colorful oaths and exclamations
41 makes constant jokes or puns
42 prone to predictions of doom
43 fidgets
44 squints
45 stares into the distance
46 always chews something
47 paces
48 taps fingers
49 bites fingernails
50 twirls hair or tugs beard