lifestyle *w/out zodiac & island living

Reference name: lifestyle-wout-zodiac ~ ID: 6910
Roll Result
1 girly girl
2 adhd
3 adventurous
4 all-rounder
5 ambitious
6 animal lover
7 bad-natured
8 born salesperson
9 brave
10 brilliant
11 charming
12 child of the nature
13 childish
14 clever
15 coffee addict
16 cognitively impaired
17 cultured
18 democrat
19 diva
20 early bird
21 erratic
22 farmer
23 feeble
24 free spirit
25 freegan
26 glamorous
27 glutton
28 green fiend
29 hates outdoors
30 herbalist
31 househusband/housewife
32 independent
33 industrialist
34 intellectual
35 kind
36 kleptomaniac
37 lazy
38 loves outdoors
39 major depressive disorder
40 materialistic
41 moon child
42 neat
43 night owl
44 nurturing
45 overachiever
46 philanthropist
47 recycle disciple
48 republican
49 shy
50 silver spoon
51 slob
52 slow-witted
53 smart
54 snob
55 spiritual
56 sqeamish
57 studious
58 sun child
59 talented
60 technophobe
61 tomboy
62 vacationer
63 vain
64 vegan
65 woohoo lover