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Lunia, In the Silver Heaven, the holy water of the Silver Sea laps at the base of the celestial mountain under a starry sky. |
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Mercuria, The Golden Heaven's tame slopes and lush valleys are bathed in golden light that evokes the hope of a new dawn. |
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Venya, In the Pearly Heaven, terraced fields and tended woodlands dot the snowy slopes. |
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Solania, In the Crystal Heaven, holy shrines glitter under a silvery sky amid luminescent fog. |
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Mertion, On the sweeping plains of the Platinum Heaven, holy soldiers muster in grand citadels for battles across the planes. |
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Jovar, The Glittering Heaven, strewn with beautiful rubies and garnets, is home to the seven-tiered Heavenly City. |
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Chronias, The Illuminated Heaven is an ineffable mystery. |