5e: Level 1 Spells

Reference name: 5e-level-1-spells ~ ID: 8401
Roll Result
1 Alarm
2 Animal Friendship
3 Armor of Agathys
4 Arms of Hadar
5 Bane
6 Bless
7 Burning Hands
8 Charm Person
9 Chromatic Orb
10 Color Spray
11 Command
12 Compelled Duel
13 Comprehend Languages
14 Create or Destroy Water
15 Cure Wounds
16 Detect Evil and Good
17 Detect Magic
18 Detect Poison and Disease
19 Disguise Self
20 Dissonant Whispers
21 Divine Favor
22 Ensnaring Strike
23 Entangle
24 Expeditious Retreat
25 Faerie Fire
26 False Life
27 Feather Fall
28 Find Familiar
29 Floating Disk
30 Fog Cloud
31 Goodberry
32 Grease
33 Guiding Bolt
34 Hail of Thorns
35 Healing Word
36 Hellish Rebuke
37 Heroism
38 Hex
39 Hideous Laughter
40 Hunter's Mark
41 Identify
42 Illusory Script
43 Inflict Wounds
44 Jump
45 Longstrider
46 Mage Armor
47 Magic Missile
48 Protection from Evil and Good
49 Purify Food and Drink
50 Ray of Sickness
51 Sanctuary
52 Searing Smite
53 Shield
54 Shield of Faith
55 Silent Image
56 Sleep
57 Speak with Animals
58 Tasha's Hideous Laughter
59 Tenser's Floating Disk
60 Thunderous Smite
61 Thunderwave
62 Unseen Servant
63 Witch Bolt
64 Wrathful Smite