5e: Level 3 Spells

Reference name: 5e-level-3-spells ~ ID: 8403
Roll Result
1 Animate Dead
2 Aura of Vitality
3 Beacon of Hope
4 Bestow Curse
5 Blinding Smite
6 Blink
7 Call Lightning
8 Clairvoyance
9 Conjure Animals
10 Conjure Barrage
11 Counterspell
12 Create Food and Water
13 Crusader's Mantle
14 Daylight
15 Dispel Magic
16 Elemental Weapon
17 Fear
18 Feign Death
19 Fireball
20 Fly
21 Gaseous Form
22 Glyph of Warding
23 Haste
24 Hunger of Hadar
25 Hypnotic Pattern
26 Leomund's Tiny Hut
27 Lightning Arrow
28 Lightning Bolt
29 Magic Circle
30 Major Image
31 Mass Healing Word
32 Meld into Stone
33 Nondetection
34 Phantom Steed
35 Plant Growth
36 Protection from Energy
37 Remove Curse
38 Revivify
39 Sending
40 Sleet Storm
41 Slow
42 Speak with Dead
43 Speak with Plants
44 Spirit Guardians
45 Stinking Cloud
46 Tiny Hut
47 Tongues
48 Vampiric Touch
49 Water Breathing
50 Water Walk
51 Wind Wall