5e: Level 6 Spells

Reference name: 5e-level-6-spells ~ ID: 8406
Roll Result
1 Arcane Gate
2 Blade Barrier
3 Chain Lightning
4 Circle of Death
5 Conjure Fey
6 Contingency
7 Create Undead
8 Disintegrate
9 Drawmij's Instant Summons
10 Eyebite
11 Find the Path
12 Flesh to Stone
13 Forbiddance
14 Freezing Sphere
15 Globe of Invulnerability
16 Guards and Wards
17 Harm
18 Heal
19 Heroes' Feast
20 Instant Summons
21 Magic Jar
22 Mass Suggestion
23 Move Earth
24 Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
25 Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
26 Otto's Irresistible Dance
27 Planar Ally
28 Programmed Illusion
29 Sunbeam
30 Transport via Plants
31 True Seeing
32 Wall of Ice
33 Wall of Thorns
34 Wind Walk
35 Word of Recall