5e: Rare Wondrous Item

Reference name: 5e-rare-wondrous-item ~ ID: 8430
Roll Result
1 Amulet of Health
2 Bag of Beans
3 Bead of Force
4 Belt of Dwarvenkind
5 Belt of Hill Giant Strength
6 Boots of Levitation
7 Boots of Speed
8 Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals
9 Bracers of Defense
10 Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals
11 Cape of the Mountebank
12 Censer of Controlling Air Elementals
13 Chime of Opening
14 Cloak of Displacement
15 Cloak of the Bat
16 Cube of Force
17 Daern's Instant Fortress
18 Dimensional Shackles
19 Figurine of Wondrous Power, Bronze Griffon
20 Figurine of Wondrous Power, Ebony Fly
21 Figurine of Wondrous Power, Golden Lions
22 Figurine of Wondrous Power, Ivory Goats
23 Figurine of Wondrous Power, Marble Elephant
24 Figurine of Wondrous Power, Onyx Dog
25 Figurine of Wondrous Power, Serpentine Owl
26 Folding Boat
27 Gem of Seeing
28 Helm of Teleportation
29 Heward's Handy Haversack
30 Horn of Blasting
31 Horn of Valhalla, Brass
32 Horn of Valhalla, Silver
33 Horseshoes of Speed
34 Instrument of the Bards, Canaith Mandolin
35 Instrument of the Bards, Cli Lyre
36 Ioun Stone, Awareness
37 Ioun Stone, Protection
38 Ioun Stone, Reserve
39 Ioun Stone, Sustenance
40 Iron Bands of Bilarro
41 Mantle of Spell Resistance
42 Necklace of Fireballs
43 Necklace of Prayer Beads
44 Periapt of Proof Against Poison
45 Portable Hole
46 Quaal's Feather Token
47 Robe of Eyes
48 Rope of Entanglement
49 Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals
50 Wings of Flying