Potion Appearance #2

Reference name: appearance-2 ~ ID: 8595
Roll Result
1 A cloudy murkiness.
2 Blood within it.
3 Dirt floating in it.
4 Chunks of metal in it.
5 Some type of gore from a slain creature.
6 Steam coming from it.
7 A face in the liquid.
8 Constantly moving and shifting liquid.
9 A constant heat.
10 Flecks of colour.
11 Swirls of colour.
12 Fizzing bubbles.
13 Bubbles suspended in it.
14 Some kind of bone floating in it.
15 Leaves and flowers in it.
16 Two separating liquid.
17 A bright glow.
18 A soft glow.
19 Stripes of colour.
20 Translucency.