Coilbone's Pets: Mystery Egg

Reference name: coilbones-pets-mystery-egg ~ ID: 3822
Roll Result
1 3-Inch Alligator (how did he get so small?)
2 Never-Aging Baby Axebeak
3 Owlbear Chub
4 Chameleon Ferret
5 Goldfish in a Magic Floating Bubble
6 Albino Raven
7 Egg, but with legs
8 Cat-Sized Praying Mantis
9 Swarm of Bees
10 Bone Crab
11 (Baby) Giant Goliatch Birdeater
12 Colorful Giant Caterpillar
13 Fire Salamader
14 Palm-Sized Cube of Ooze
15 Miniature Rust Monster
16 A mimic that always looks like a fanny pack
17 Fire Hedgehog
18 Pocket Sized Pseudodragon
19 Cloud Otter
20 Waterfox