Heavy Fog Complications Table

Reference name: heavy-fog-complications-table ~ ID: 8901
Tags: Mishap if vehicle/driver fails by 5 or more.
Roll Result
1 Some kind of weapon fire emerges out of the fog, either a harpoon gun or chain cannon shot, accompanied by some devilish heckling. Roll as appropriate, the source can't be pinpointed.
2 Your vehicle drives into a cloud of rimps (raven-imps). One attack against all without full cover, +10 Melee attack to receive 2d6+6 piercing + 2d6 poison on hit.
3 A sudden pothole lurches the vehicle upwards. Any unsecured creature on the outside of the vehicle must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or tumble off, taking normal damage from the fall and landing prone in an unoccupied space on the ground.
4 A visage of your most devious foe appears before you. Everyone looking outward from the vehicle makes a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or have the Frightened condition until the end of their first turn outside of the incredibly dense fog.
5 - 8 No complication