Homebrew Trinkets 7

Reference name: homebrew-trinkets-7 ~ ID: 4060
Roll Result
1 A freezing cold gauntlet.
2 A bracer that is too hot to touch.
3 A deed to a bear sanctuary in another land.
4 A locket containing a picture of an unrecognizable child.
5 A map of an infinite labyrinth that is illegible.
6 A book of ideas that will never be used.
7 A miniature functioning siege set.
8 A book of smut.
9 A miniature canoe with what appears to be a dragonborn living on it.
10 A captain's hat with the name "sexy captain Alice" on the inside.
11 An unfinished nude drawing of a man with an eye patch.
12 A deflated rubber ball.
13 A pamphlet preaching Nameless The Double Fae Gnome.
14 A crude sketch of a goblin entitled Leanord.
15 A necklace made from seven owl feathers.
16 An unknown ancient relic that was forgotten through time.
17 A half-built sled.
18 A vial containing a small ember.
19 A bubblegum scented sword.
20 A bag of odd mushrooms.
21 A statuette made from a coprolite.
22 A book that details etiquette for acolytes of a major religion.
23 A wand sized for a kobold.
24 A whip crafted from ink-black leather.
25 A hag's hairpin.
26 A wrestling belt.
27 A whistle that, when blown, makes you feel certain that there's a horse not too far away from you.
28 A pair of undies with bats on them
29 A crown made out of thirty broken spoons.
30 A cabbage that cannot be eaten.
31 A gold-painted rock.
32 A tiny lizard skull.
33 A pink scabbard that feels lighter than it actually is.
34 A map to your ancestral home.
35 A jester's hat.
36 A harlequin mask that makes you feel oddly sad when you wear it.
37 A pair of pumped up kicks.
38 A shooting star contained in a bag.
39 A coupon for a free hug from a king.
40 A tiny hand carved from amber that flies around you and pokes people.
41 A red boomerang that never comes backs to you.
42 A tiny bit of a dragon's scale.
43 A deed to a place that you made up.
44 A dented helmet that has an odd swirling design on the back.
45 A book of myths.
46 A cork that has a faint aroma of orange.
47 A mushroom that smells of butterscotch and rots.
48 A scabbard that smells of cheese.
49 A trumpet that plays a mocking tune whenever you fail at something. You can't get rid of it.
50 A set of very erotic undergarments.
51 A jar full of petrified wasps.
52 A hat that belongs to a violent marauder lord.
53 A noble's journal, detailing his love affair with a goblin barmaid.
54 A rusty speculum.
55 A broken lute covered in bloodstains.
56 A portrait of an incredibly muscular man wearing a short dress.
57 A necromancer's reanimated pet frog.
58 A platinum piece that merchants seem frightful of.
59 A dagger that can't be removed from its sheath.
60 A miser's coin purse. You just can't figure out how to untie the drawstrings.
61 A pebble, delicately carved to resemble a dwarven mine baron.
62 A flip book that depicts a cartoonish spine devil operating a riverboat.
63 A beautifully crafted doll that belonged to a knight named Beirand.
64 An undelivered letter addressed to a lord from the east. It simply states "kill you" repeatedly.
65 A child's wooden sword, with the names of several children carved into the side. It is completely bloodstained...
66 An opium pipe made from beautifully carved jade. The name "Lawrence" is inscribed at the bottom.
67 A bit of slime in a jar. When the jar is opened, the slime tries its hardest to stay as far into the jar as it can, and something tells you you shouldn't touch it.
68 A small bottle full of everlasting fire, when opened the sentient fire leaps onto whoever opened it and acts like a familiar; does not burn the owner, will attack anyone who threatens the owner of the fire.
69 A music box that when opened plays strange music extremely loud.
70 A journal with writing about the mass murder of orphans that lived at a temple, the murderer was never found; the writer seems to want revenge.
71 An explorer's journal that goes very in depth of his discoveries while in his own house
72 A small, sticky substance that is unidentifiable. Animals seem to enjoy eating it.
73 A box full of green shirts, dresses, hats, basically anything clothes as long as it's green. Though, you have discovered a large pea in the corner of the box in the past.
74 A necklace of obviously fake black pearls.
75 Sheet music, with explicit instructions to play it using only sounds made by various animals instead of normal instruments.
76 A blanket that makes anyone sleeping under it snore heavily for one hour, before flying off their body.
77 A drum that makes someone within a 30 foot radius sneeze tremendously on every 7th beat.
78 A book that translates anything you say into any language you wish, however it also adds in several random words, completely changing the meaning of whatever you say.
79 A wise ghost that will give mildly helpful advice on occasion, but thinks its hilarious to play the bongos at inconceivable volume whenever you are trying to remain undetected.
80 An extremely vulgar pocket watch that only shuts up when you wrap it in a special cloth that is fragile and can never be replaced.
81 A lime-green sandal that is sized for a giant.
82 A dung beetle the size of a pony that refuses to do anything but follow you, and push a gigantic wad of dung.
83 A magic sphere that replays the most horrid-yet-catchy tune you have ever heard at random.
84 A squirrel that will occasionally bring you nuts, but will hide any small objects or string you posses nearby just as often.
85 An earring that will make you slightly more attractive to the opposite sex when pierced on your left buttock.
86 A cup that remains totally unmovable from where it was set unless there is absolutely no liquid left inside of it.
87 An elegant pair of shoes that make you run into walls on rare occasions.
88 A perfect cube of polished, solid dirt.
89 An artist's canvas that always appears to have mildly suggestive and socially unacceptable material portrayed on it, but is always masterfully done. The artwork changes at random.
90 An endless, near-weightless bag, that produces only rubbish when you urgently need something specific from it. Will only produce items you have stored in it otherwise, but always at random.
91 A ring that gives you the ability to command sheep in small numbers, but sheds dog hair in excessive amounts every 9 days.
92 A jack-in-the-box that will always produces a somewhat disturbing illusion that changes every time you use it.
93 A trusty sword of good steel that is haunted by several ornery, elderly, racist veterans of several different wars. They are almost always present, and they all hate each other.
94 A walnut. There seems to be magical properties to it... maybe?
95 A bag of salt. You have tasted a small bit of it, and amazingly, you can taste the magic in the salt, though it doesn't seem holy.
96 A child-sized thumb. You don't recall how you got it, but you're sure you knew somebody who was missing a thumb when you were younger.
97 An incredibly large ear that presumably belonged to a giant.
98 A small slip of paper that reads "Ce message n'est pas pour vous, imbécile."
99 The head of a polearm.
100 A bag containing three history books so out of date they're not even written in modern Common.