Homebrew Trinkets 8

Reference name: homebrew-trinkets-8 ~ ID: 4061
Roll Result
1 The last baby tooth of a young giant, who lost it long ago.
2 A long list of miscellaneous items. There’s about 700 of them on the list.
3 A pint of milk that never goes bad, but always tastes like it's not quite right. The pint bottle refills every day at the exact moment that the sun rises.
4 A one-man band comprised of a drum, an accordion, a harmonica, a tuba, cymbals, and a horn. It seems to play whatever it wants though.
5 A broken dagger with the last part of a name inscribed on the remaining portion of the blade. It reads "-dius".
6 A small blue-black orb that when held up to the ear seems to emit the tiny screams of a thousand souls.
7 A hand mirror that holds the attention of anyone looking into it. You feel absolutely fabulous.
8 A small device that when held right can be spun. It has three protruding limbs and other than spinning seems to be of no particular interest.
9 A belt with a note accompanying it reading "This belt shall give power to those that wear it." It's buckle is missing and cannot be found.
10 A small slip of paper with wishes on it. It will grant three wishes but will kill the person that makes the third wish. Two wishes have already been used.
11 A sword made to harness the power of demon's blood. It seems the blood has since been returned to its rightful owner.
12 A puzzle set that is missing a piece which never seems to be the same piece as last time.
13 A scroll on which is inscribed a childish insult that isn't very amusing.
14 A tiny cage containing a goblin that seems to hate you for something you apparently did to it despite never having seen or heard of this goblin until now.
15 A tiny book containing a list of ships that have docked but have never existed in real life or in fantasy literature.
16 A hardback blue book containing a list of every monster in the world and their exact demographics. The book seems very old.
17 A metal butter container marked with the words "Property of Professor Chaos."
18 A tin hat that is said to ward off creatures that steal your thoughts.
19 A leather-bound diary that when written in will make the ink disappear and answer back before once more disappearing.
20 An instruction manual that states what not to do in the events of potentially apocalyptic events.
21 Three green diamonds made of cloth that attach to each other when put near each other but separate when placed near water.
22 A cube made up of smaller cubes with images of even smaller cubes inside those cubes. It seems to keep going on and on.
23 A fabric doll of a guard with an angry expression on it.
24 A tent that seems to get smaller and smaller with each use. Who knows how small it can actually get...
25 A card game with monsters, traps, and spells on each card. Playing one makes a small image of it appear and when played against another monster will attack one another.
26 A cube that plays a song from another time period. It doesn't sound like anything that has existed so far.
27 A die with the classic six sides. It seems each face shows a different outcome constantly and rolling it will reveal that outcome. There seem to be an infinite number of potential outcomes.
28 Toothpicks made of razor blades and broken glass. Who would even want to use this?
29 A broken compass that seems to point away from your destination and doesn't seem to be able to be deceived.
30 A piece of chocolate that tastes bitter with a sweet aftertaste, it burns your tongue when tasted as well.
31 A weird brass pot that when opened reveals a hot steaming meal of great distaste to he who opens it.
32 A bag of weird living figurines of everyone you know, including yourself, and they seem to be unable to see you despite your ability to interact with them.
33 A weird yellow hat that belches into your ear when worn.
34 A vial of vomit that smells like roses for some odd reason.
35 A picture of the nastiest thing you have ever laid eyes on.
36 A box of jewels with an inscription on the box with the end scratched off. It reads "Elements of..." These jewels are powerful but seem to be unable to work.
37 A giant cupcake that has been half eaten.
38 A large sum of gold coins. Upon closer inspection they are made of bone, without looking so closely you'd never be able to tell they were fake
39 A metal bucket with an old note in it. It says "Gentleman. This, is a bucket" followed by another note that says "dear god" followed by yet another that says "Wait, there's more" and finally one that simply says "NOoo..." as if the person was in disbelief.
40 A thin metal box with images of people you hate and six bags of tobacco for smoking.
41 A very scary painting of yourself that seems to age the longer you look at it. It resets by morning.
42 A thing made of materials. None of this looks familiar to you in any shape or form and makes you very uncomfortable.
43 A broken staff that partly disintegrates when it is touched, but always leaves some material behind.
44 A plush toy of an owl with a label attached to it that reads "Comet".
45 A tiny wheel of cheese with a hole in the middle.
46 A loaf of bread made into the shape of a longsword that is stale.
47 A picture that shows a random location you ask about in the general area, though it usually shows you perverted things as if it had a mind of its own. You feel its name is Jiraiya.
48 A cow leather belt that allows you to speak with cows, yet makes you sheepish in the presence of sheep.
49 A ring that seems to get smaller while you wear it.
50 A hammer that whispers to you seductively in your sleep and takes pleasure in being used. You are usually creeped out by it.
51 A bottle that contains an odd green liquid that floats on water.
52 A leather pouch that contains seventeen sewing needles.
53 A letter that can barely be read, smudged by tears and withered by seawater, with the legible parts reading "Cam.....ere..on..e'll b..hap...med.y....-N..."
54 A baked clay figurine of a wide-eyed kobold with a bone in its mouth.
55 A rudimentary deck of playing cards made on the backs of "Wanted Person" leaflets.
56 A thick leather belt with impressions and engravings depicting the stages of a moon.
57 An old farmers almanac with pages cut to conceal small items inside.
58 A highly-polished, palm-sized steel orb that always rolls downhill.
59 A ship's flag that doesn't move in the wind.
60 The fantastical skull of a rare hornless unicorn... or at least that's what the merchant who sold it to you claimed it was. He wouldn't have lied to you now, would he?
61 An otherwise ordinary skull, if not for the third eyehole nestled in the center of its forehead.
62 A scrimshaw depicting several northern nomads hunting a great elk, carved into the tooth of a saber-toothed tiger.
63 A black ring covered with some very faint, illegible etchings that glow with a red light when in darkness. It feels somewhat warm to the touch when worn.
64 The skull of a wolf, peculiar for the rack of antlers sprouting from the top of its head.
65 A small, mechanical bear that fits in the palm of your hand. It dances whenever music is played, yet no power source nor mechanism can be detected.
66 A small wooden top that refuses to stop spinning, despite your best efforts.
67 A sealed glass jar filled with a pale, reddish liquid. A small, deformed humanoid floats in the middle of it, and you swear that you can see it twitch whenever you are not looking directly at it.
68 A note you found in your pocket one day instead of a pouch of coins. It only says "IOU".
69 An odd torch that produces a blue flame yet seemingly no heat or light. At least it never goes out.
70 A set of exquisitely crafted dice, carved from the tusks of a mammoth. Dwarvish runes replace the typical pips on the sides, and glow a faint blue.
71 A vial of purple fluid that, when poured onto an inanimate object of size small or tiny, will cause said object to become translucent in appearance for one hour.
72 An incredibly crude knife seemingly carved from a stone giant's toenail.
73 A silver ring with runic etchings. In place of where a jewel would go, however, there is instead a small depression wherein rests an orb of green flame that never goes out but which also does not burn.
74 A walking stick shaped from a gnarled elm root. A small branch is sprouting from it, tipped with several leaves.
75 A sealed Ship in a Bottle, enchanted by a wizard. As you watch, the ship rocks back and forth as tiny waves crash about it.
76 A small bird unlike any you've ever seen, trapped in a chunk of amber.
77 A tumorous mass of flesh that squelches along the ground behind you, aided by a sinewy mass of veins and arteries that act akin to tentacles.
78 A pewter armlet adorned with a pack of wolves engraved into its surface. When you rub your fingers lightly over it, the sounds of distant howls echo through the air.
79 A gold stud earring that whispers completely useless facts into its wearer's ear.
80 A silver pocketwatch that can correctly tell the time on whatever plane it is currently on.
81 Small bits of nuts and fruit that seemingly never go bad and you cannot bring yourself to eat. Reminds you of a pet bird you once had.
82 A blue flame in a jar that gives encouraging statements when you're feeling sad.
83 A old box that used to contain your favorite poem. You're not quite sure where the poem went though you can remember having it just a few minutes ago.
84 A gold nugget that merchants never seem to want to buy. You remember one merchant in particular who mumbled something about a curse after attempting to sell it to him, though you feel no effect.
85 A sad looking wooden idol. It makes you and others around you feel sad just by looking at it.
86 Three pairs of shoes that each wouldn't even fit a baby.
87 Your favorite pair of socks. They're worn down and aren't worth wearing anymore.
88 A painting about the size of your hand. It depicts a crudely drawn man holding a flower. Who drew this?
89 A calendar with every day of the year labeled with the phrase "CLEAN CLEAN IT ALL." You never want to meet the person who did this.
90 The leg of a chair that broke off with a friend of yours sitting in it. You remember using it as a fake weapon when you were young.
91 Five identical pieces of wood. They're too perfect to use for anything.
92 A poorly crafted clay animal. You can't quite tell which one it's supposed to be.
93 A chalice with the words "You drink too much" at the bottom of the cup.
94 The cowl of a renowned thief. It seems to be cursed and you can't bring yourself to put it on.
95 The deed to a plot of land in the middle of the ocean.
96 A small box full of miniature instruments. They all play quite beautifully in the hands of something that can play them.
97 A map of a place that doesn't exist. You get a sinking feeling whenever you look at it.
98 A poster for a play for the deaf. Everybody in the photo is wearing ridiculous masks to play different characters.
99 A painting of the most horrid, obscene thing you've ever seen in your life. The brushwork and composition are impeccable.
100 A book detailing the workings of a fake machine.