Physical Traits (copy)

Reference name: physical-traits-copy-5 ~ ID: 8898
Roll Result
1 handsome
2 grey haired
3 birthmark
4 jowls
5 red cheeks
6 red nose
7 thin eyebrows
8 bulbous nose
9 button nose
10 square jaw
11 jutting jaw
12 overbite
13 underbite
14 stutter
15 Thick dark Curly hair
16 Wavy blonde hair
17 Sallow complexion
18 nasty cough
19 sleepy
20 Strawberry blonde
21 Swarthy complexion
22 white hair
23 sings to self
24 wears wolfskin
25 smells of pine
26 wearing bearskin
27 exceptionally hairy
28 wears ostentatious rings
29 Unibrow
30 Bright blue eyes
31 excessively long hair
32 ostentatious jewelry
33 Freckled nose
34 missing eye
35 shiny red hair
36 Prominent scars
37 clawed hands
38 Obese
39 hyper
40 runny nose
41 flips coin
42 constant itching
43 rash
44 scaly skin
45 flatulent
46 Hunched over
47 Long elegant neck
48 necklace of finger bones
49 necklace of teeth
50 wears tights and curled toes
51 wears eye mask
52 has jaunty green hat
53 wears colored cape
54 goiter
55 elongated skull
56 stone in forehead
57 withered limb
58 prominent birthmark
59 has a small pet dog
60 has a pet ferret
61 hums constantly
62 mute
63 eye is slightly off center
64 slightly cross eyed
65 dreadlocks hair
66 balding
67 left handed
68 head half shaved
69 hair extensively braided
70 otherworldly ancestor
71 bad, rotten teeth
72 piercing violet eyes
73 albino
74 excellent skin