Sea Battle Misfortune

Reference name: quinn ~ ID: 3306
Roll Result
1 An Ally Attempts to Board your Ship
2 Boat hits a large wave. Roll Dex Save
3 Large Wave Splashes against the ship. You are soaked
4 An Enemy Attempts to Board your Ship
5 One of the Boxes comes loose on deck and goes flying
6 An Enemy Succeeds in Boarding the ship when you're not looking
7 The Wind isn't in your favor and you find yourself to be sitting ducks in this battlezone
8 A crew member slips from the top ropes and falls
9 Even Bumpier Ride! Roll for Seasickness!
10 The Sails take a hit! 40 Damage to the Sails!
11 Several Crew Members are Hit! At least one person needs to get on the rigging!
12 Hard hit to the ship! Roll dex save not to fall off the side!
13 A Crew Member who can swim Falls Overboard!
14 A crew member who cannot swim Falls Overboard
15 An enemy ship is trying to ram you
16 A blast hits the hull of the ship and you're taking a small amount of water
17 A cannonball is headed straight for the players!
18 Part of the ship is on fire!
19 A ship blasts the water below, freezing your ship in place
20 The Captain falls unconscious after being hit