Revised Bag of Beans

Reference name: revised-bag-of-beans ~ ID: 8501
Tags: Bag of Beans
Roll Result
1 Roll any dice, on an odd roll, every creature in a 30ft radius makes a DC 15 constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature becomes unconcious for 1 hour. On an even roll a creature gains resistance to 1 damage type of the Dm's choice for 1 hour
2 - 10 A small tree grows, producing enough fruit to feed 1d6 creatures for a week.
11 - 20 A Ghost appears that will forever seek to kill the nearest creature or die trying.
21 - 30 An animate, immobile stone statue in your likeness rises. It makes verbal threats against you. If you leave it and others come near, it describes you as the most heinous of villains and directs the newcomers to find you. The statue disappears after 1 day.
31 - 40 A campfire with blue flames springs forth and burns for 24 hours (or until it is extinguished).
41 - 50 A shimmering, translucent dome forms over the area, providing a comfortable shelter for up to 8 hours. Inside the dome, the temperature is always pleasant, and the area is free from insects and other pests.
51 - 60 1d4 + 1 Giant toads appear. There is a 50 percent chance they are hostile or friendly.
61 - 70 A Manticore swoops from the sky and attacks.
71 - 80 A localized earthquake shakes the ground in a 20-foot radius. All creatures in the area must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone and take 1d6 bludgeoning damage.
81 - 90 A fireball falls from the sky centered on the point in which the bean was planted
91 - 99 All creatures in a 60ft radius are transported to a pocket dimension that contains a terrain of the Dm's choice
100 A wave of magical energy sweeps through the area, causing all creatures within a 30-foot radius to roll on the Wild Magic Surge table.