Shadowfell Race Complications

Reference name: shadowfell-race-complications ~ ID: 8910
Tags: Mishap if vehicle/driver fails by 5 or more.
Roll Result
1 A visage of your most devious foe appears before you. Everyone looking outward from the vehicle makes a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or have the Frightened condition until the end of their first turn outside of the shadowfell.
2 Dark tendrils of horror sprout up and seek to grapple the vehicle. The vehicle must succeed on a DC12 Dexterity saving throw or become grappled for the turn. The driver can repeat this save on their turn with their action, getting the vehicle up to speed.
3 The gaping maw of a dragon's skull opens up before you! Upon entering, the vehicle is teleported to the end of its skeleton, which lies 60 feet ahead.
4 An area of inescapable darkness suddenly appears. Players are blinded for the round.
5 - 8 No Complications.