Fishy Omens

Reference name: silas ~ ID: 8727
Roll Result
1 “Swim upstream!” You gain +15 movement speed until the end of your next turn.
2 “Stay in your bowl!” You gain temporary hit points equal to your warlock level + 1.
3 “There’s a bigger fish!!” You can reroll one damage die and you must use the new roll.
4 “Watch out for nets!” You gain advantage on your next saving throw.
5 “Just keep swimming!” You can immediately take the dash action.
6 “Uhhh, shiny!” You gain advantage on your next attack roll.
7 “Bubbles, bubbles everywhere!” You may cast Fog Cloud without expending a spell slot.
8 “Your destiny lies with the fishtank of eternity!” Roll on the wild magic surge table. Any visual consequences turn into golden bubbles of cosmic integrity.