[st]Fallout Encounter, Neutral

Reference name: stfallout-encounter-neutral ~ ID: 1602
Roll Result
1 - 4 Travellers, 1d3
5 - 9 Scavengers, 1d3
10 - 11 Merchant, 1 Merchant, 1 Brahmin, 1d6-3 Guards
12 Merchant Caravan, 1d3 Merchants, 1d3 Brahmin, 1d6 Guards
13 - 14 Lawmen Patrol, 1d3
15 Lawman Posse, 1d6 Deputies, 1d3-2 Mr Handys
16 Children of Atom, 1d3
17 - 20 Peaceful Creature
21 Peaceful Robots
22 Hunters, 1d3
23 Tribals, 1d6
24 Brotherhood of Steel Party, 1d3 Knights, 1d3-1 Scribes