Sewer Geneartor

Chamber (roll on the Chamber table)

🎲 18 : 📑Sewer Geneartor (from: Grimley)

Square, 30 x 30 ft.

🎲 3 : 📑Chamber Table (from: Grimley)

One: Opposite the entrance.

🎲 2 : 📑Chamber Exits (from: Grimley)

Tainted water, the tunnel contains tainted water. Characters risk contracting Sewer plague (DC12 to wade through, DC15 if swimming, DC17 if injured while in water)

🎲 12 : 📑Passage Feature (from: Grimley)

Flooded: The tunnel is flooded with little to no air pockets.(Swimming)

🎲 20 : 📑Water Level (from: Grimley)

Ooze: This section of sewer is home to an Ooze either a Grey ooze, Gelatinous Cube or an Ochre Jelly.

🎲 13 : 📑Encounter Table (from: Grimley)

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