
Name Rolls Size Referals
101b Other Races 1646 14 1
101c Heritage 1337 8 45
101 Race and Ancestery 76284 9 0
102 Cultural Background 871 9 8
104b Family Head 728 8 2
104 Birth Legitimacy 804 2 6
208 Childhood Events 726 17 8
208 Events in Adolescence 789 18 63
419 Significant events of Adulthood 944 20 64
520b Personality Traits 1589 104 104
520 Personality Traits 1060 104 54
521 Character Flaws 420926 78 109
About Antagonist 335 12 67
Air Quality 345 10 0
Alchohol 272 7 0
Antagonist 452 12 3
Appearance 217 20 0
Armor 536 13 3
Background Generator 976 6 9
Battlefield Injuries 599 11 0
Beast Activity 496 11 31
Beasts 495 11 4
Cache 418 2 0
Capitve/loot 400 2 0
Carousing Table 1489 85 0
Chamber Exits 579 12 12
Chamber Table 586 12 5
Chest Contents 621 75 3
City block 341 30 0
Coinage 287 14 0
Coin and Gems 640 25 2
Commoner Occupation 627 20 3
Common Female names 463 258 2
Commonfolk 321 20 0
Common Locations 387 13 1
Common Male Names 680 262 2
Competition 419 37 0
Complication 393 13 8
Complication 324 0 0
Cooking Method 256 7 0
Cooking Method 287 6 0
Cult or Religious group 255 9 1
Defences 315 7 0
Defining Event\ 503 10 3
Desires: What do they desire most 1308 78 78
Direction 381 6 3
Distance 616 3 0
Door Table 536 10 0
Dragonborn events 672 7 0
Dungeon Condition 354 8 0
Dungeon Contains 336 2 0
Dungeon Creator 313 12 0
Dungeon Dressing 901 51 0
Dungeon Furniture 336 83 0
Dungeon Hazard 311 6 2
Dungeon History 241 12 0
Dungeon Location 222 24 0
Dungeon Oder 319 14 0
Dungeon Room 270 59 0
Dungeon Type 208 9 0
Dwarven Events (Y) 637 10 0
Elven Events (Y) 737 10 0
Empty 318 5 1
Encounter Table 579 11 5
Enemy 1386 4 1
Entertainer 640 10 3
Enviroment 297 12 0
Exotic Location 195 20 1
Extraordainary 798 19 1
Extraordinary Events (A) 664 20 1
Extraordinary Events (Adulthood) 712 20 1
Extraordinary Events (Y) 674 20 1
Forest 395 11 1
From Antagonist 342 12 67
From Place 310 32 0
Gender 510 2 0
Gnome Events 649 7 0
grimley 240 0 0
grimley 117 0 0
Half-Breed 1009 7 1
Half-Breed (Exotic Race) 677 14 1
Halfling Events (Y) 649 10 0
Has Enemy 1194 2 78
Haunted Castle Effects 561 69 0
Hills 433 11 1
Human Class 239 12 1
Humanoid Activity 517 11 24
Ideal: What do they need to fix their Flaw 1112 78 78
In Place 406 31 36
Intelligent Creatures 465 11 5
Is there a dungeon? 230 2 0
Kiasi Name 419 0 0
Life of seclusion 506 8 3
Location 499 3 0
Lodgings 212 6 0
Lodgings cost 258 6 0
made an enemy 151 23 1
Magical Item 811 117 0
Magical Item Table 624 6 3
Magic item table A 471 8 2
Magic item table B 568 35 1
Magic item table C 504 28 1
Magic item table D 459 16 1
Magic item table E 455 7 1
Magic item table F 604 60 1
Main 247 15 0
Main ingredient 220 0 0
Main Ingredient 234 13 0
Male or Female 3407 2 0
Mannerism 1710 21 20
Mannerisms2 142 50 0
Mercenary table 254 0 0
Merchant business 313 49 0
Merchant Trade 528 20 5
mercs 222 8 0
Monsters 495 54 4
Monuments 364 18 1
Moorland 373 11 1
Mountains 380 11 1
Mundane Item 36035 181 1
Negative Traits 77 21 0
NewGems 226 11 1
NPC Ability (High) 1267 6 0
NPC Ability (Low) 1439 6 6
NPC Apperance 4813 20 58
NPC generator 3641 12 22
NPC Generator V2 240 12 0
NPC Interaction Traits 12909 12 20
NPC Mannerisms 12572 20 6
Obsticle 311 12 2
Occupied 333 11 1
Of Antagonist 291 12 15
Origin 519 10 3
Passage 536 11 0
Passage Feature 637 18 15
Passage width 494 3 9
Person 252 67 2
Person(about) 305 67 1
Personality Flaw: A dominant behaviour 1358 78 23
Places 237 31 0
Positive Traits 68 20 0
Prefix 123 51 0
Profession 120 64 0
Quality 203 4 0
Race 209 7 0
Random Encounter 681 10 0
Random Encounter2 540 9 11
Random Encounters: Armory 520 5 0
Random Encounters (Hex Crawl) 418 5 6
Random Quests 574 9 1
Random Village 323 40 0
Recent Events 1091 20 2
Religeon 656 10 1
Religious events (A) 629 10 1
Religious events (Adulthood) 598 10 1
Religious events (Y) 625 10 1
Religious Position 526 8 3
Room Type 58 0 0
Rumor or Event 116 3 0
Rumours 294 100 1
Sage Specialty 611 5 3
Schemes 518 6 3
Setback 244 10 0
Sewer Geneartor 676 11 4
Shaft Table 604 10 1
Side 239 10 0
Side Dish 259 7 0
Side Quests 413 8 13
Soldier Speciality 547 7 3
Something Wonderful (A) 617 10 1
Something Wonderful (Adult) 628 10 1
Something Wonderful (Y) 657 10 1
Specialty 491 7 3
Spell Components 12828 236 2
Stairs Table 457 0 0
Suffix 206 44 0
Swamp/Marsh 394 11 1
Tavern Name T1 223 21 0
Tavern Name T2 208 20 0
Tavern Type 219 9 0
Terrain 577 6 0
Thing 330 15 2
Tools 459 17 0
Trade Goods 1544 14 0
Trade goods 2 488 0 0
Tragady 927 10 1
Tragedy (Adolescence) 642 10 1
Tragedy (Adulthood) 617 10 1
Tragedy (Youth) 656 10 1
Traits 176 30 0
Trap Result 338 31 3
Treasure 616 5 1
Treasure!! 208 6 0
Treasure!! 213 0 0
Trick Effect 316 31 20
Trick Type 330 20 2
Unlikely Ally 404 13 63
Village Conditions 347 5 0
Village Leader 328 23 0
Village Services 219 35 0
Villain Goals 434 36 48
Water Level 640 5 18
WE2 528 11 1
Wealth Level 610 6 101
Wealth Levell 540 4 3
Weapons 548 37 3
Weird Locales 357 18 1
What are they doing? 316 11 0
Whats in the Box 1555 7 0
Whats on the Menu 292 6 0
Who Do I Meet? 222 12 0
Wilderness Encounters 570 11 1
Wonderful 690 10 1