Wealth Levell

Wealthy. A wealthy lifestyle means living a life of luxury. You have respectable lodgings, usually a spacious home in a good part of town or a comfortable suite at a fine inn. You likely have a small staff of Servants.

🎲 15 : 📑Wealth Levell (from: Grimley)

Ragged, dirty clothes

🎲 5 : 📑NPC Apperance (from: Grimley)

Makes constant jokes or puns

🎲 12 : 📑Mannerism (from: Grimley)

An innocent person is in prison for a crime that I committed. I'm okay with that.

Freedom. The sea is freedom--the freedom to go anywhere and do anything. (Chaotic)

Somewhere out there I have a child who doesn't know me. I'm making the world better for him or her.

No, but recently...

🎲 44 : 📑Has Enemy (from: Grimley)

learnt how to used a weapon (DM's choice) appropriate for their culture and social standing.

🎲 50 : 📑Recent Events (from: Grimley)

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