Gamma 5e - 2 Mutations

Reference name: gamma-5e-2-mutations ~ ID: 3286
Roll Result
1 - 2 Amoeboid - You're super duper squeezable
3 - 4 Amphibian - You can breathe underwater
5 - 6 Bite - You can chew on someone for 1d10 piercing damage
7 - 8 Blindsight - You locate creatures within 30 feet based on vibrations
9 - 10 Climber - You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed
11 - 12 Composite - You are made of a multitude of smaller creatures
13 - 14 Darkvision - You see in the dark within 60 feet
15 - 16 Doppleganger - You can temporarily split into two identical creatures
17 - 18 Dual Brain - You shrug off the charmed, frightened, or stunned conditions
19 - 20 Ectoplasmic - You can temporarily become incorporeal
21 - 22 Emberborn - Deal extra 1d6 fire damage with melee attacks
23 - 24 Extra Arm - Gain an extra arm; can be used to hold weapons or shields
25 - 26 Fearless - You are immune to the frightened condition
27 - 28 Formidable Charisma - +4 to Charisma score
29 - 30 Formidable Constitution - +4 to Constitution score
31 - 32 Formidable Dexterity - +4 to Dexterity score
33 - 34 Formidable Intelligence - +4 to Intelligence Score
35 - 36 Formidable Strength - +4 to Strength score
37 - 38 Formidable Wisdom - +4 to Wisdom score
39 - 40 Frenzied Strike - When Fighting with two weapons, add ability mod to second weapon damage
41 - 42 Frostborn - Deal extra 1d6 cold damage with melee attacks
43 - 44 Gamma Eyes - Shoot radiation beams from your eyes
45 - 46 Gauss Spike - Manipulate gravity to cause sudden bursts of force
47 - 48 Giant - Hold two-handed weapons with one hand
49 - 50 Greater Saving Throw - Gain Proficiency in a saving throw of your choice
51 - 52 Horns - You can gore someone for 2d6 piercing damage
53 - 54 Hypercognitive - Give yourself advantage on a single check
55 - 56 Low-light Vision - See in dim light as if it were bright light
57 - 58 Natural Killer - Score critical hits on a roll of 19-20
59 - 60 Necrotic Touch - Your touch causes decay
61 - 62 Poison Gas - Burp a cloud of poison to damage nearby enemies
63 - 64 Poison Resistance - You gain resistance to poison damage
65 - 66 Powerful Pheromones - you have advantage on Charisma checks
67 - 68 Prescience - Use prescience as a reaction to halve damage
69 - 70 Psychic Resistance - You gain resistance to psychic damage
71 - 72 Psychopomp - Absorb life force from nearby enemies
73 - 74 Pulse - You can travel at light speed, reappearing in 30 feet
75 - 76 Quick - +10 feet to all your speeds
77 - 78 Radiation Resistance - You are resistant to radiation damage
79 - 80 Regeneratrion - regain 1 hp per turn during combat
81 - 82 Rooted - You cannot be knocked prone and are pushed 10 less than normal
83 - 84 Sonic Burst - 15 foot cone of powerful screen deals 2d6 Thunder damage
85 - 86 Static - When hit in melee, spend a reaction to deal 2d4 Lightning damage
87 - 88 Talons - Your unarmed attack is light and finesse and deals 1d6 slashing damage
89 - 90 Telepathy - You can sense and send thoughts within 60 feet of you
91 - 92 Tentacles - You may initiate grapples as a bonus action
93 - 94 Thick Hide - You gain +2 AC
95 - 96 Toughened - Gain 1 extra Hit Die, counts for starting HP
97 - 98 Wings - You gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed
99 - 100 Blue Screen - You cause robots and machines to malfunction
101 - 102 Chamaleontic - Attacks against you from a distance miss more often
103 - 104 Constrainer - You can immobilize foes with the power of your mind.
105 - 106 Deadly Eye Ray - You can channel necrotic energy through your eyes
107 - 108 Density Controller - By alering your mass density, you can become tougher or quicker
109 - 110 Dwarf - You are really short
111 - 112 Elastic - Your reach increases by 5 ft.
113 - 114 Mercurial - You do not provoke opportunity attacks when moving away from enemies
115 - 116 Mind Controller - You can turn enemies against their allies
117 - 118 Nuclear - You are a walking nuke.
119 - 120 Nightmare - Enemies are scared by your horrific appearance.
121 - 122 Poisonous Quills - You can shoot poisonous quills from your body
123 - 124 Psychic Shield - When hit by an attack, your mind shields you from harm
125 - 126 Revitalizing - You can heal creatures with your touch
127 - 128 Shapeshifter - You can change your shape into that of any humanoid
129 - 130 Telekinesis - You can move objects and push creatures with your mind
131 - 132 Time Walker - You can briefly step into the future
133 - 134 Wormhold - Your powers can throw enemies into other dimensions.