D&D: Random Encounters Combat/Non-combat

Reference name: dd-random-encounters-combatnon-combat ~ ID: 64
Roll Result
1 Unusually warm/cold day for season or brutally cold/hot day in accordance with season.
2 Extremely windy day. Light gear becomes difficult to keep strapped down.
3 Come across other travelers suffering from some problem. (Broken wagon, injured horse, etc.)
4 Site of recent natural disaster: flood, forest fire, lightning strike, etc.
5 Lost child who wandered too far from home/village or someone's lost pet.
6 Animal tracks or droppings.
7 Shepherd and his flock.
8 Lumberjacks.
9 PC discovers new hole in his boot, possibly via a mud puddle
10 PC or horse gets rock in shoe/boot.
11 One of the PCs has a "bad day". Minor inconveniences plague him. (Trips over ruts in the road, gear difficulties, animal steals his lunch when he turns away for a moment. Etc.)
12 One of the PCs has a "good day". Minor perks all day. (Find a copper piece lying in the road. Figures out how to repair some damaged item, the inn they stay at that night has one of his favorite meals as a special, etc.)
13 Find an animal in a trap.
14 Run into local 'recruiters'.
15 Find an empty cave.
16 Come across a way haven on the path.
17 Find an old marker/sign.
18 Bridge washed out/ river flooding.
19 They camped on/near a fire ant colony.
20 An army ant colony on the move.
21 Find a hive.
22 Someone stepped into a yellow jacket nest.
23 Raccoons invade camp (steal/ruin items and rations)
24 Spot a herd of deer or other food on the hoof.
25 Spot a herd of wild horses.
26 Run across wild young.
27 Stumble into a blessed glade.
28 Snowball fight or terrain/weather equivalent
29 Wild, non-dangerous animal approaches closer for an inspection
30 PC's must cross a rickety old bridge or ford a wide stream.
31 Rainbow spotted or other lucky omen
32 Break a wagon wheel or a horse throws a shoe
33 Black cat crosses path, or other unlucky omen
34 One PC start whistling or humming, then another, and then everyone joins in.
35 Food forgotten at bottom of pack goes bad and smells horrible
36 A PC gets a toothache, an earache, or a stomachache.
37 A PC realizes they are gaining/losing weight.
38 Find strange trash in the road, such as a wagon wheel or a chest of clothing
39 Strangely shaped clouds seen on the horizon
40 PC finds a hidden detail in recently acquired or purchased item...
41 Hidden compartment.
42 Beautiful secluded beach and possibly a warm swim
43 Beautiful secluded beach and possibly a warm swim
44 PC has digestion problems (fill in your own details)
45 Minor piece of equipment is nearly worn out & should be replaced ASAP.
46 Stumble into Poison Ivy (just for kicks, dwarves are immune)
47 Find a fully ripe fruit tree or other easy food source
48 Find evidence of recent combat, possibly including decaying bodies.
49 The PC's have lost some very minor item, such as soap, a pot, or chalk.
50 Discover one of the horses is pregnant or ill
51 PC finds a tick or leech on their body.
52 Thick fog or dust storm blows in
53 Road kill: local animal dead in the road, natural causes, scavengers nearby
54 Pass a small shrine or holy grotto
55 Horse has a leg cramp, needs hour-long rubdown to continue.
56 Minor earthquake, small avalanche, or freak storm
57 PC gets a song stuck in his head all day
58 Mosquito swarm
59 It just really feels like today was a lot shorter/longer than a normal day.
60 Someone has an allergic reaction to something in the area.
61 Toll station
62 Beautiful scene, such as waterfall or breathtaking view
63 A PC is getting shaggy and needs to get a haircut.
64 Pass the ruins of an old outpost or small tower, still 75% intact.
65 Pass a roadside grave or the site of a past execution
66 An eclipse occurs, a comet flies past, or other astronomical event.
67 Quicksand, sinkhole, or other natural ground hazard
68 The PC's find money or valuables left in the road.