Only War Regiment Generator

Random Regiment:
Home World: Forge World
Type: Reconnaissance Regiment
Doctrine: Anti-Aircraft
Commander: Phlegmatic
Equipment Special: Forvard Observation
Drawback: Lost Home World
Sample Company
Captain: Unlucky This character has a history of extremely poor fortune, and he and his squad-mates have noticed this trend. Whether he accepts his fate with quiet resignation, complains vociferously, or cheerily denies it, nobody in the squad thinks that his luck
Leutenant 1: Dissenter Contrary and argumentative, the character commonly disagrees with the decisions of his commander. If he isn’t brave enough to speak out directly, he is often heard grumbling to his squad-mates about his problems with the commander.
Sergeant 1-1: Lucky This character has always been constantly (and sometimes infuriatingly) fortunate in at least one aspect of life. Whether this luck manifests itself in the character miraculously dodging falling shells, or merely in depriving his comrades of their lh
Sergeant 1-2: Mentor This character regards one or more members of the squad as his charges, and generally takes a parental, or at least supportive attitude towards those with less experience on the battlefield.
Sergeant 1-3: Shell-Shocked The trauma of war takes its toll on everyone, but some characters are more affected than others. Some past event left this character emotionally shattered, and while he might maintain a facade of normality, certain memories or triggers may ca
Leutenant 2: Smooth This character is more refined than many of his squad-mates. Most either admire this trait, or mock him for it.
Sergeant 2-1: Boisterous Loud and energetic, the character is always talking and joking with the other members of his squad, even when it might not be entirely appropriate.
Sergeant 2-2: Shell-Shocked The trauma of war takes its toll on everyone, but some characters are more affected than others. Some past event left this character emotionally shattered, and while he might maintain a facade of normality, certain memories or triggers may ca
Sergeant 2-3: Lateral Thinker Capable of impressive feats of ingenuity, especially under pressure, this character often offers unexpected solutions to the problems of the squad. Of course, some of his unorthodox ideas are better than others.
Leutenant 3: Thief According to this character, he merely partakes in “aggressive sharing,” but most people would call him a thief, or any number of other names not suited to polite company. Any item left unattended is liable to mysteriously find its way into his kit b
Sergeant 3-1: Backwater While he hails from the same planet as his squad mates, the character is from a location relatively separate from the main society on their homeworld. He does not quite fit in with many of his comrades, often misunderstanding idioms the others re
Sergeant 3-2: Never Bathes Standards of cleanliness may vary from one contingent to another, but this character’s personal hygiene is consistently below that stipulated by the official regulations of any known regiment of the Imperial Guard.
Sergeant 3-3: Backwater While he hails from the same planet as his squad mates, the character is from a location relatively separate from the main society on their homeworld. He does not quite fit in with many of his comrades, often misunderstanding idioms the others re

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