Only War Regiment Generator

Random Regiment:
Home World: Feudal World
Type: Guerilla Regiment
Doctrine: Close Quarters Battle
Commander: Bilious
Equipment Special: Covert Strike
Drawback: Incompetent Leadership
Sample Company
Captain: Heroic This character is known for his deeds of unfailing heroism. Tales of his exploits have spread throughout the entire regiment and beyond, and his reputation almost inevitably precedes him.
Leutenant 1: Unlucky This character has a history of extremely poor fortune, and he and his squad-mates have noticed this trend. Whether he accepts his fate with quiet resignation, complains vociferously, or cheerily denies it, nobody in the squad thinks that his luck
Sergeant 1-1: Braggart Arrogant and self-centred, the character cannot resist boasting to his squad-mates. He has told so many grandiose tales of his own accomplishments, no one can tell what is true and what is pure exaggeration.
Sergeant 1-2: Sarcastic This character is possessed of a biting wit, and for better or for worse, makes little effort to contain it. He rarely offers a direct answer when a snide remark will do.
Sergeant 1-3: Cocky The character is incredibly confident in his own abilities, often to his detriment. He is quick to volunteer for a task, and is personally offended when people don’t share the same confidence in his abilities.
Leutenant 2: Dreamer The character’s imagination often gets away from him, wandering off into daydreams and away from reality. He is an idealist, and seems slightly disconnected from the horror of the reality that surrounds him.
Sergeant 2-1: Oblivious The more obvious something is to the rest of his squad, the less likely this character is to notice it. From basic social cues to rampaging Orks, this character has a real gift for overlooking what is right in front of him.
Sergeant 2-2: Psycho This character is, simply put, violently deranged. Whether he spends his idle hours speaking lovingly to his knives, or is known through the regiment for hacking off an Ork’s arm and clubbing the xenos to death with its own limb, his squad-mates all
Sergeant 2-3: Sensible This character consistently makes quick, no-nonsense decisions, usually to his benefit and that of the squad. His squad-mates often seek his advice for their personal and practical problems.
Leutenant 3: Addict Whether it be Departmento Munitorum issue stimulants or deadly contraband substance, the character is addicted. If he goes for long without his fix, he become irritable and irrational, and will go to extreme means to sate his addiction.
Sergeant 3-1: Gambler To find this character in the camp, merely find the nearest group of guardsmen playing Tarot. This character is addicted to games of chance, and whether he is a perennial winner or loser, he will rarely pass up a chance to gamble.
Sergeant 3-2: Cocky The character is incredibly confident in his own abilities, often to his detriment. He is quick to volunteer for a task, and is personally offended when people don’t share the same confidence in his abilities.
Sergeant 3-3: Sarcastic This character is possessed of a biting wit, and for better or for worse, makes little effort to contain it. He rarely offers a direct answer when a snide remark will do.

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