Roll a D&D Adventure
Your ADVENTURE GOAL is special., Successfully travel through an obstacle course to gain recognition or reward.
The VILLAIN of your adventure is a humanoid conqueror. The PC's ALLY is a revenge seeker, a Sorcerer,, who is exceptionally ugly and the PATRON (employer) is a military officer, who has missing teeth.
The STORY begins when our heroes are asked to volunteer to go to the adventure location by a town or village that is well known for its , dark magic. The adventure LOCATION is beneath a ruined castle.
The dungeon CREATORs were Dwarves and it was used as a death trap. In the past, the dungeon was the site of a great miracle.
As the PLOT thickens, it takes an unexpected twist. Completing the goal secretly helps the villain: , Mayhem - Trigger a natural disaster. To COMPLETE the adventure successfully the heroes must race to the site where the villain is bringing a master plan to its conclusion, arriving just as that plan is about to be completed.
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Created by @dreadfuldungeon from the 5e Dungeon Masters Handbook tables. Please feel free to follow me and let me know how it turns out :)
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