Roll a D&D Adventure

Your ADVENTURE GOAL is special., Infiltrate a fortified location.
The VILLAIN of your adventure is a humanoid cultist, from an Elemental Earth cult. The PC's ALLY is a raving lunatic, who has a distinctive nose and the PATRON (employer) is a military officer, who has distinctive jewelry: earrings, necklace, circlet, bracelets.
The STORY begins when our heroes are asleep one night. Then the characters all dream about entering the adventure location. The adventure LOCATION is beneath a ruined city which was once well known for its, tough warriors.
The dungeon CREATORs were worshippers of, an Elemental Water cult and it was used as a temple or shrine. In the past, the dungeon's creators were destroyed by attacking raiders.
As the PLOT thickens, it takes an unexpected twist. The adventurers become responsible for the safety of a noncombatant NPC. To COMPLETE the adventure successfully the heroes must choose whether to pursue the fleeing main villain or save an NPC they care about or a group of innocents.
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Created by @dreadfuldungeon from the 5e Dungeon Masters Handbook tables. Please feel free to follow me and let me know how it turns out :)
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