
Exile or outcast

🎲 5 : 📑Origin (from: Grimley)

Comfortable. Choosing a comfortable lifestyle means that you can afford nicer clothing and can eat better than most. You live in a small cottage in a middle-­‐‑class neighborhood or in a private room at a fine inn.

🎲 3 : 📑Wealth Level (from: Grimley)

Distinctive nose

🎲 17 : 📑NPC Apperance (from: Grimley)


🎲 7 : 📑Mannerism (from: Grimley)

I can't keep a secret to save my life, or anyone else's.

Beauty. When I perform, I make the world better than it was. (Good)

The ship is most important--crewmates and captains come and go.

No, but recently...

🎲 46 : 📑Has Enemy (from: Grimley)

experienced wanderlust and decided to travel.

🎲 42 : 📑Recent Events (from: Grimley)

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