Something Wonderful (Y)

Get out of jail free. A magnanimous ruler pardons all prisoners. If the character, or his friends or relatives are in prison, they are set free with an admonition to "Sin no more."

Apprentice: In you adolescence you trained under a master as an apprentice to learn a trade or craft. (work with your DM to determine details)

During adulthood you found your self in the service to a patron or organisation (Work with your DM to detirmine the scope of your service)

I...speak...slowly...when me.

🎲 78 : πŸ“‘520 Personality Traits (from: Grimley)

I've lost too many friends, and I'm slow to make new ones.

Gold seems like a lot of money to me, and I'll do just about anything for more of it.

🎲 74 : πŸ“‘521 Character Flaws (from: Grimley)

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