Something Wonderful (Y)

Get out of jail free. A magnanimous ruler pardons all prisoners. If the character, or his friends or relatives are in prison, they are set free with an admonition to "Sin no more."

Service: During adolescence you found your self in the service to a patron or organisation (Work with your DM to detirmine the scope of your service)

As an adult you joined a rebellion against the local ruler, if successful you are outlawed, if it failed you escape, with only friends and family knowing your involvement. (Work with your DM to detirmine the details)

I like to squeeze into small places where no one else can get to me.

🎲 99 : πŸ“‘520 Personality Traits (from: Grimley)

I never pass up a friendly wager.

I will never fully trust anyone other than myself.

🎲 75 : πŸ“‘521 Character Flaws (from: Grimley)

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