Wealth Level

Poor. A poor lifestyle means going without the comforts available in a stable community. Simple food and lodgings, threadbare clothing, and unpredictable Conditions result in a sufficient, though probably unpleasant, experience.

🎲 11 : 📑Wealth Level (from: Grimley)


🎲 11 : 📑NPC Apperance (from: Grimley)

Slurs words, lisps, or stutters

🎲 4 : 📑Mannerism (from: Grimley)

A scandal prevents me from ever going home again. That kind of trouble seems to follow me around.

Aspiration. Someday I'll own my own ship and chart my own destiny. (Any)

Everything I do is for the common people.

Yes, and its a...

🎲 89 : 📑Has Enemy (from: Grimley)

Social. A social enemy might be a personal rival, an idealogy, or a cultural trait. Its an enemy tied to interactions with others, they may have trouble fitting in, be a social outcast, not identify with their culture, or be wanted but their own kind.

🎲 4 : 📑Enemy (from: Grimley)

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