Tragedy (Youth)

Hunted: You had a traumatic experience when wild beasts attacked your home perhaps even killing your family, you bare a scar from that attack (Detrimine the nature of your injury)

🎲 1 : 📑Tragedy (Youth) (from: Grimley)

Friendship: In your adolescence you gained a close friend with whom you trusted and had adventurers with. (Work with your DM to detirmine details)

In adulthood you have an encounter with an unusual person, who as far as you can tell, has no home or family. You offer to help in anyway you can. After accepting your hospitality the stranger vanishes leaving a note "Your kindness will be remembered".

I have little respect for anyone who is not a proven warrior.

Independence. When people follow orders blindly they embrace a kind of tyranny. (Chaotic)

Someone saved my life on the battlefield. To this day, I will never leave a friend behind.

Yes, and its a...

🎲 85 : 📑Has Enemy (from: Grimley)

Faction. A factional enemy could be a religous order, a merchants guild, an order of assasins, or an order of holy knights. It is a enemy that may have agents and spies taht act of their behalf. Could be on the run, part of a rival faction, or want to join

🎲 3 : 📑Enemy (from: Grimley)

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