Background Generator

Well-to-Do: These are the upper end of the middle or merchant class in Barbarian and Civilized cultures. They typically own larger homes, have a household servant (a cook and/or a maid), have private transportation, and sometimes travel abroad.

🎲 84 : πŸ“‘Background Generator (from: Grimley)

Legitimate: Your birth was a result of union between your father and mother, binding you in blood to your fathers family.

🎲 16 : πŸ“‘104 Birth Legitimacy (from: Grimley)

Two Parents: (if illegitimate, parents not married). You grew up with both parents in your early childhood.

🎲 5 : πŸ“‘104b Family Head (from: Grimley)

Trials of Youth: During your childhood you underwent a coming of age event that greatly impacted your life. (Work with your DM to detirmine what this event is)

🎲 13 : πŸ“‘208 Childhood Events (from: Grimley)

Marriage: You find yourself betrothed to another in an arranged marriage against your wishes (Work with your DM to detirmine the details)

You were falsely imprisoned for a crime (Work with your DM to detirmine the nature of the crime & punishment)

I love a good insult, even one directed at me.

🎲 30 : πŸ“‘520 Personality Traits (from: Grimley)

The best way to get me to do something is to tell me I can't do it.

I am easily distracted by the promise of information.

🎲 55 : πŸ“‘521 Character Flaws (from: Grimley)

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