104b Family Head

Other Relations: You were raised by a distant relative such as a Great Aunt/Uncle, Great Grandparent, Cousins or someone that claims to be a relation but has suspicious origins.

🎲 20 : 📑104b Family Head (from: Grimley)

Finders Keepers: Whilst out one day you came across some refuse that contained something unusual. (Roll on PHB trinkets table)

Outlaw: In your adolescence events caused you to become an outlaw earning a bounty on yourself. (work with your DM to determine details)

in Adult life you become well-known even famous for the occurrence of an event in your life. (work with your DM to determine details)

I quote (or misquote) the sacred texts and proverbs in almost every situation.

I feel far more comfortable around animals than people.

I have a weakness for the vices of the city, especially hard drink.

🎲 28 : 📑521 Character Flaws (from: Grimley)

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