Dragonborn events

You were born under unusual circumstances causing you to be marked among your people. (work with your DM to determine details)

🎲 1 : πŸ“‘Dragonborn events (from: Grimley)

The character's cultural ties are to his current nation of residence. While the character's ancestors may have come from another land, he has no strong emotional, physical or cultural ties to another country

🎲 3 : πŸ“‘101c Heritage (from: Grimley)

Your people are nomads and rely heavily on livestock that can be moved as seasons and resources dictate. Most nomads use mounted or use beasts of burden to transport belongings. Nomads organise along family group lines and families stick together.

Destitute: These people are considered the dregs of society. They own no property, and may have no fixed home. Some perform no real work and are often unemployable. Others are in bond to a master and live at his whim.

🎲 19 : πŸ“‘Background Generator (from: Grimley)

Legitimate: Your birth was a result of union between your father and mother, binding you in blood to your fathers family.

🎲 9 : πŸ“‘104 Birth Legitimacy (from: Grimley)

Grandparent(s): You were raised by your grandparent(s) due to the loss or absence of your parents.

🎲 16 : πŸ“‘104b Family Head (from: Grimley)

Service: At a young age you found your self in the service to a patron or organisation (Work with your DM to detirmine the scope of your service)

🎲 12 : πŸ“‘208 Childhood Events (from: Grimley)

Rivalry: A rival to you or your family cause upheaval forcing you to relocate possibly to a far distant land. (Work with your DM to detirmine the details)

Tragedy: A tragedy occurred during your adulthood forever marking you.

Injustice You were falsely imprisoned for a crime and spent 1d4 years in prison because of it (Work with your DM to detirmine the nature of the crime)

🎲 2 : πŸ“‘Tragedy (Adulthood) (from: Grimley)

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