Elven Events (Y)

You discovered a unique pet at a young age and the two of you became inseparable. (work with your DM to determine details)

🎲 5 : πŸ“‘Elven Events (Y) (from: Grimley)

The character is the child of recent immigrants to this land and still does not fit in with the dominant society.

🎲 17 : πŸ“‘101c Heritage (from: Grimley)

Your culture is marked by rapid growth, development and expansion. New ideas and technologies are being discovered and exploited. But access to power resides in the hands of a few powerful nobles or warlords your culture is experiencing a golden age.

Poor: very low income. compared to many. He usually does not or cannot own property. His home is usually of lesser quality, sometimes due to uncaring landlords who may also be the Poor person's employer.

🎲 32 : πŸ“‘Background Generator (from: Grimley)

Legitimate: Your birth was a result of union between your father and mother, binding you in blood to your fathers family.

🎲 4 : πŸ“‘104 Birth Legitimacy (from: Grimley)

Aunt and/or Uncle: You were raised by the brother/sister of one or more of your parents, due to your parents being absent or having died.

🎲 12 : πŸ“‘104b Family Head (from: Grimley)

Family Trade: During your youth you learnt the family trade (Gain proficiency in one tool kit)

🎲 8 : πŸ“‘208 Childhood Events (from: Grimley)

Martial training: In adolescence you trained with the weapons of your people and learnt how to use them proficiently (work with your DM to determine details)

During your early adulthood you saved someone's life. This person becomes your companion. (work with your DM to determine details) Roll 1d10 on a 9-10 your companion falls in love with you.

I would rather make a new friend than a new enemy.

🎲 21 : πŸ“‘520 Personality Traits (from: Grimley)

I'm a born gambler who can't resist taking a risk for a potential payoff.

An innocent person is in prison for a crime that I committed. I'm okay with that.

🎲 18 : πŸ“‘521 Character Flaws (from: Grimley)

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