Gnome Events

You were born under unusual circumstances causing you to be marked among your people. (work with your DM to determine details)

🎲 6 : πŸ“‘Gnome Events (from: Grimley)

The chracters recent ancestry and current nation of residence are the same. Howeverm the character has strong ethnic ties to and takes great pride in his more distant ancestors country of origin.

🎲 9 : πŸ“‘101c Heritage (from: Grimley)

Your people are developing and improving themselves technologically, socially and morally. Usually, this culture is on its way up from Barbarism, rulers may favor some type of popular representation, and the people have much faith for the future.

Poor: very low income. compared to many. He usually does not or cannot own property. His home is usually of lesser quality, sometimes due to uncaring landlords who may also be the Poor person's employer.

🎲 48 : πŸ“‘Background Generator (from: Grimley)

Legitimate: Your birth was a result of union between your father and mother, binding you in blood to your fathers family.

🎲 2 : πŸ“‘104 Birth Legitimacy (from: Grimley)

Grandparent(s): You were raised by your grandparent(s) due to the loss or absence of your parents.

🎲 17 : πŸ“‘104b Family Head (from: Grimley)

Skilled: During your youth you learnt a skill from a parent/guardian or friend. (Pick one skill to become proficient in)

🎲 6 : πŸ“‘208 Childhood Events (from: Grimley)

Blessed: During your teen years you had a profoundly religious experience.

A chance encounter. In a lonely place, You meet an intriguing follower of the god. (work with your DM to determine details)

🎲 9 : πŸ“‘Religious events (A) (from: Grimley)

Lucky: Something wonderful occurred during your adulthood.

Wild carnivorous beasts invade the character's camp. During the attack, the character finds that he has the innate ability to command wild beasts (not monsters) to do his will (so long as it does not seriously risk the animals' lives).

I bluntly say what other people are hinting or hiding.

🎲 104 : πŸ“‘520 Personality Traits (from: Grimley)

Nobody stays angry at me or around me for long, since I can defuse any amount of tension.

When faced with a choice between money and my friends, I usually choose the money.

🎲 14 : πŸ“‘521 Character Flaws (from: Grimley)

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